At 22:15 26/06/2004, you wrote:
Hi Mark,

This does sound interesting and I think the community would welcome your
contribution. I think the best way to move forward would be for you to
create your own project on and we can make it a child of the
Java 3D project.

As the community grows around Java 3D we can then discuss how this (and
hopefully many more) utilities fit in the product. Should they all be
included in the Java 3D distribution (which could make it large), should
a select few be included (how do we choose) or should they be hosted as
separate downloads ? There may also be different legal issues depending
on the distribution model.

So I encourage you to create a project, make the code and some examples
available and let the community experiment. The community and JCP will
then decide what the next steps are.

Just as a reminder, I have developped a HAnim for Java3D several years ago. This included a mesh but there was no contnuous mesh deformation algorithm by that time.

This is a good spec and appart from one or two things the code was pretty
good (ok, it is my code so perhaps you should not trust me). I think this
would be an interesting start and would be valuable to to enhance it with
the new features.

I'll send it by email upon request.



Mark McKay wrote:

I've developed what I consider to be a useful sketeton and smooth
skinning system which I believe would be useful for Java3D.  Is this the
sort of thing the project would be interested in?  If so, would there be
a way I could contribute?  The forum doesn't seem to be
allowing anyone to submit code at the moment.

Mark McKay


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