I think you meant to reply to something else as I never mentioned braces.

Moreover I really, really dislike having braces around single line if, 
else, for, etc, blocks -- and never do in my code.  I agree, that an IDE 
and reasonable indentation should show the error in your ways -- rather 
than pre-emptive clutter with unnecessary braces.

[Of course I add extra braces where I want to explicitly limit the scope 
of variables, but that's different :-)]

Reinier Zwitserloot wrote:
> If you're scared of creating bugs due to a lack of braces (e.g. you
> add a line and the code is not properly indented), you're doing it
> very very wrong. That should not be a worry in a proper development
> environment.
> auto-format is your friend.
>  --Reinier "I have loads and loads of single statement unbraced if/
> elses, and it's NEVER EVER caused a problem" Zwitserloot
> NB: Unless you've tried it, I don't want to hear about whines.
> On Sep 9, 1:55 pm, Jess Holle <je...@ptc.com> wrote:
>> Casper Bang wrote:
>>>> I'm not sure what you mean. There are no annotations in JavaFX
>>> Sorry, from an earlier entry I inferred that there were
>>>> It's enough to drive one absolutely batty.
>>> So is JDBC's index-by-1 nature in bind variables.
>> Agreed!  Everything else in Java is index-by-0, why should the JDBC API
>> be different?
>> That said, most everyone has experienced index-by-1 and can deal with
>> that in a system integration API like JDBC.  The many hoops one has to
>> jump through just to do a logical "setDouble(NaN)" or to set a null are
>> amazing -- and all undocumented at a JDBC level except for the need for
>> the 2 and 3 argument versions of setNull(), which just seem silly (null
>> is null -- no data type or type name needed).
>> --
>> Jess Holle
> >

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