Mind my asking what you gain? Preferably something that does not fall
into the - arguably subjective - category of esthetics? Because if you
got nothing, then what's wrong with adding the braces? I find they
look dashing. Also they let me see - at a glance - whether it's a
block or a line that's indented due to wrapping. Plus it's uniform!

I agree the chances of causing bugs due to omitted braces are slim to
none, but "whining" because one may gain nothing while giving up
nothing in return seems pointless to me.

So, if it's esthetics, fine, do with your code as you please, but
leave the rest of us alone, will you?

With kind regards

On 9 Sep., 17:18, Reinier Zwitserloot <reini...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If you're scared of creating bugs due to a lack of braces (e.g. you
> add a line and the code is not properly indented), you're doing it
> very very wrong. That should not be a worry in a proper development
> environment.
> auto-format is your friend.
>  --Reinier "I have loads and loads of single statement unbraced if/
> elses, and it's NEVER EVER caused a problem" Zwitserloot
> NB: Unless you've tried it, I don't want to hear about whines.
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