On 18 Mai, 14:43, "fabrizio\.giudi...@tidalwave\.it"
<fabrizio.giud...@tidalwave.it> wrote:
> Too bad the first and so far unique comment I received on the store is from a 
> user that asserts that he couldn't run it on the Droid Eris :-((( I mean, 
> I've tested it (manually) on 1.5, 1.6 (emulator) and 2.1 (Motorola Droid). 
> I've been used to have this kind of feedback for JME deployments, but for 
> Android I really didn't expect it.

Google is smart, but can't defeat the laws of physics: Different CPUs,
GPUs, cameras, RAM sizes, Flash sizes, GPS chips, screen sizes, pixel
ratios, OS versions, and on top of that vendors / carriers can change
a lot under the hood and on the outside to differentiate - this does
spell trouble for developers.  You'd probably call it the "price of
freedom".  Just don't get tempted by the dark side!  ;-)

But seriously, Android is the Windows of the mobile world, so I think
over time developers will learn to deal with that, just like they did
on Windows, and tools / framework / libraries / best practices will
emerge to ease the fragmentation pain.  But it'll never be as easy as
in Steve's iLand.

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