On Jun 15, 4:29 pm, Chris Adamson <invalidn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The elephant in the room is that if there were more going on in Java,
> if it were the disruptive technology that was changing the industry,
> there would be no time for or interest in what Apple is doing, or
> anyone else for that matter.

Ahh I get where you are going (Java's stale) but I don't think that's
the whole story. If you notice, the Java Posse stays far away from
anything .NET related even if that is a lot more relevant to Java
(almost same language, solves pretty much the same problems) than a
hardware gadget like the iPhone. This however, seems to simply be a
choice/preference they all agree on (even if Joe have mentioned in the
past that the moment C# becomes available on the JVM, he'll use that).

> I wondered if I was the only person who thought, Didn't the '3'
> network in the UK have video enabled phones running over 3G several
> years ago?

Yup, we had that for 5+ years all over Scandinavia too. However it
never really caught on, too invasive I think.


PS: And kudos to Dick for calling BS on the retina display. What's
next, vocal-cord speakers and brain CPU's?

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