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On 8/17/10 09:32 , Casper Bang wrote:
>> Google only created Android to make money they are not some
>> charitable organisation that wants to give free search to the
>> world. Stop being a fanboi, because they care less for you than
>> Sun. So google gave you gmail wow, sun gave you a platform- for
>> free.
> Both Google and Sun were corporations that needs to make their
> shareholders happy, the differences is how they do it. Stop being
> a Sun fan-boy, the company is dead and you should let it rest in
> peace and celebrate what it achieved rather than what it didn't.
> Even it's father has accepted this and moved on, and so should you
> rather than fantasizing about would-be empires of the past.
He just said "they care less for you than Sun". I think this is a
well-founded statement. Basically Sun open sourced every single asset
they owned (with very few exceptions). OTOH I don't see Google open
sourcing any of its services (the search engine, GAE, GMail and the
other bazillion ones). I think they would be crazy if they did. But
the point is that they aren't doing that.

He's not fantasizing about the past; he's only trying to point out a
criterion to judge Google (and Oracle) more obiectively, keeping in
mind the experience from the past.

- -- 
Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere."
java.net/blog/fabriziogiudici - www.tidalwave.it/people
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