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On 8/17/10 10:34 , Casper Bang wrote:
> How would Google open source a service?
Just licensing the source code as FLOSS :-) I'd like to point out that
Sun Grid (the cloud thing incarnation before the Sun Cloud step) was
both a service run on Sun hardware and a software that you were able
to install on your hardware. I'm not sure it was FLOSS, but it was
available. Of course, it was a failure (see below).
> Sun claimed that the Java division was profitable, yet did not
> offer something as obvious as cheap and easy hosting a la GAE to
> match LAMB and IIS stacks. Sun was not evil, but perhaps a bit
> naive. Is Google evil for borrowing from the ecosystem it helped
> Sun build? The jury is still out on that, I tend to not think so
> though and just call them pragmatic.
Agreed, and remove that 'a bit' before naive (also confirmed by
Gosling recalling in these days that initially Sun didn't file patents
and they were 'nearly put out of the business' by an old IBM complaint
about the RISC).
Agreed, Google is pragmatic. And why shouldn't I consider Oracle
pragmatic too? Note that we're still repeating the point that Sun
failed its business. Right. Since creating the wealth is always the
preliminary step before redistributing it, the most worrying thing on
earth is the wealthy source not to be stable, such as Sun. So, if
Oracle is much stronger and stable, it's a point that makes me happy.
Of course, I also want to check the redistribution thing, and if they
keep everything for themselves it's not good at all. Still to be seen.

- -- 
Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere."
java.net/blog/fabriziogiudici - www.tidalwave.it/people
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