> He just said "they care less for you than Sun". I think this is a
> well-founded statement. Basically Sun open sourced every single asset
> they owned (with very few exceptions). OTOH I don't see Google open
> sourcing any of its services (the search engine, GAE, GMail and the
> other bazillion ones). I think they would be crazy if they did. But
> the point is that they aren't doing that.

I think they cared equally little about me actually! In my book,
caring != open sourcing and commercial != evil. How would Google open
source a service?

> He's not fantasizing about the past; he's only trying to point out a
> criterion to judge Google (and Oracle) more obiectively, keeping in
> mind the experience from the past.

It's the experience from the past, Sun's goodwill, that's the reason
for the big backlash against Oracle - so I think past experience is
very much being kept in mind. But the fact remains that Sun failed at
driving their core business which ended up eventually hurting Java and
developers using it. Sun claimed that the Java division was
profitable, yet did not offer something as obvious as cheap and easy
hosting a la GAE to match LAMB and IIS stacks. Sun was not evil, but
perhaps a bit naive. Is Google evil for borrowing from the ecosystem
it helped Sun build? The jury is still out on that, I tend to not
think so though and just call them pragmatic.


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