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On 8/17/10 23:14 , Kirk wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been talking to people in Oracle that are very concerned about
> all the wild speculation that has been running through the
> community. And while I can't give details, I can say they feel that
> the conclusions don't match what they are doing however they are
> also still not in a position that they can speak publicly. That
> said, there is some meaningful information coming out. While they
> can't comment on the Google situation, they have commented on
> OpenJDK that I think can be passed along to a more public forum.
> I've been told that they are considering merging JRockit and the
> Sun JVM in some meaningful way. The merged projects would be
> contributed back to OpenJDK. So I think this signals quite a
> commitment to OpenJDK. I've been told, expect details and loads of
> information at JavaONE. I've also been told that they intend to be
> more active in giving the community information possibly sooner
> than JavaONE. It is quite possible that you'll hear something from
> Oracle right here.
> I'd like to say, lets not rush to judgement, lets sit back and give
> Oracle a bit more time to get the pieces together. However I do
> believe that this group along with others that have so harshly
> criticized Oracle is actually helping those inside Oracle that do
> understand the 15 years of traditions and culture in the Java
> community educate those inside Oracle that would rather do things
> they way that Oracle has always done things. This has been a
> dreadfully difficult merger both from a business point of view as
> well as a cultural point of view. No other take over has ever
> combined all of the dynamics present here. I think it's been quite
> a shock for everyone involved and everyone is still trying to
> grapple with the magnitude of the undertaking. It is understandable
> that mistakes have been made and are still waiting to be made. That
> said, my conversations were all positive and I think the new guard
> is winning.
If you can post to your blog these impressions of yours, I think you'd
do a big favor to everybody - just to give some authoritative "stay
cool" message to the community...

- -- 
Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere."
java.net/blog/fabriziogiudici - www.tidalwave.it/people
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