Tor: "Android didn't copy the iPhone"
If we can believe Gizmodo, then the first Android prototypes looked
like Blackberries before Android started following the iPhone (http://
after-the-launch-of-iphone). To me, there's nothing wrong with being a
"fast follower" as Google is - and Apple certainly copies from other
sources, too (iOS 5 is full of this). Bonus point: Tablets didn't all
look like that certain tablet either (

Dick: "How many different ways are there to present icons and buttons
and pixels on a screen"
Look no further than Microsoft Zune music player / Windows Phone 7:
That does look unlike anything else on smartphones (http:// Of all companies, Microsoft with a
innovative UI - the irony!

Dick: "Apple started the smartphone patent wars"
Nokia started it - they sued Apple in October 2009 (http:// Apple "only"
sued HTC in March 2010 (

Logitech Revue
More Revue units were returned by customers than being sold in the
last quarter (
item=UGFyZW50SUQ9MTAxNTAzfENoaWxkSUQ9LTF8VHlwZT0z&t=1, top of page 7).
So lowering the price seems like a firesale to me to clear out

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