On Jan 25, 7:33 am, "Fabrizio Giudici" <fabrizio.giud...@tidalwave.it>

> Re: the Guice libraries that replaced Apache Commons... what's the point?
> Redundancy in open source is a known problem, basically you don't want the
> extremes: too many similar stuff -> NIH syndrome, while just a single way
> to do one thing -> lack of flexibility. Apart from rare exceptions, I see
> a health distribution of stuff in the Java ecosystem. In any case, it
> seems that this can't have to do with the original paper. This is mostly
> community related, and 1) it doesn't have to do with Java itself, rather
> third parties and 2) how things are supposed to be better in other
> communities?

For Apache Commons-Lang and Commons-Collections, the problem was
that its contributors never released Java Generics versions.  With
Java 6,
Guava functional programming was a strict improvement over Apache.

However, most of the reusable libraries I've seen are either 'making
Java simpler' , or 'making Java more functional', or 'fixing Date', or
the rare math library.  The tasks we all have done many times do
not get into libraries.  Okay--I'm not sure we'd ever have a standard
PurchaseOrder class. What about Address?  Is there any hope for
a standard version? Note that internationalization is crucial. Each
country has its own address attributes.  Postal codes differ; I cringe
whenever I see 'zipCode' in a Java class intended for general use,
and worse whenever I see it validated by the regex \d{5}(-\d[4})?.

Should the community try to develop classes for common notions?

> Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect, Project Manager
> Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere."
> fabrizio.giud...@tidalwave.ithttp://tidalwave.it-http://fabriziogiudici.it

Eric Jablow

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