On Friday, 2 November 2012 07:02:38 UTC+11, fabrizio.giudici wrote:

> … I'm a little worried   
> about a possible proliferation of multiple, incompatible libraries. I'd be 
> interested in knowing why Google rejected the patches submitted by   
> Atlassian (I interpret their comment as the fact that they tried to   
> provide patches...). 

We – and others – have tried to submit patches to Guava several times and 
were basically met with a stone-wall, normally various excuses about some 
internal thing or other, and then Kevin came out and basically said[1] they 
were never going to take any submissions from outside, so please stop 

Fugue[2] was written as it became increasingly obvious that any sane 
functional library code would be deliberately subverted as the Guava team 
don't like it [3] and have no intention of supporting it except 

BTW Fugue isn't our only functional library code, we have recently added a 
Promise[4] to atlassian-util-concurrent[5] that gives a much saner 
interface to the whacky ListenableFuture stuff.

I'm somewhat disheartened by this whole thread though, I was really hoping 
java8 might bring some sanity to functional programming in Java. There 
seems though to be much investment from some parts of the community in 
making sure it doesn't happen, and no good reason for it. I have spoken 
with Brian Goetz, he's a great guy but he alone cannot do all of lambda as 
well as implement really good standard FP lib. Hopefully they'll get more 
resources so they can round things out, but there'd be a lot more than just 
having map/flatMap on Option (think immutable collections for instance).

[1] https://plus.google.com/113026104107031516488/posts/ZRdtjTL1MpM
[2] https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/fugue/
[3] http://code.google.com/p/guava-libraries/wiki/FunctionalExplained
[5] https://bitbucket.org/atlassian/atlassian-util-concurrent/

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