The subject line is just one of twelve different criteria or conditions you can set your message rule to operate under. Use arrow keys and the tab key to explore the dialogues; spacebar and single-left-click to check and/or select actions. ----- Original Message ----- From: "kimber" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 12:42 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] MESSAGE RULES

hi there. Sorry to come back again, but I must be a little thick here. What do you mean put the name of the subject line in the email? it's just that not all my emails have proper subject lines in them. They might have the name of an artist, or something like that. Sorryif I sound a little thick. Kimmie.----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike & Barbara In Arcadia" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 3:07 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] MESSAGE RULES

Hi Kimber;

Below are the steps for making message rules. Pay close attention to step
#5, about your issue  for a " new " message.

Making Message Rules

Making Folder Rules in OE

OE 5-6 Message Rules Setup

This particular instance wil automatically tell Outlook Express to place all
emails from (what you set up) into your new folder that you made.

1 make sure you have a folder in your OE list of folders called(x) the name
of your folder that you want all your emails to go into.

Here we go.

2. While in OE 5 / 6, hit alt T to take you to the Tools menu.

3. press r to take you to message rules

4. press the letter M for Mail.

5. Press Tab one time for New and press enter.

6. Arrow down untill you hear where subject line contains specific words

Press the spacebar one time

7. Now tab once to Actions list. You will see or hear"Move it to the
specified folder." Again, press the space bar one time.

8. Now tab once until you see or hear Name of the rule. section 3 New mail

9. arrow down to (where the subject line contains specific words)

10. press enter

11. type in exactly what is on the subject line of the email

12. tab to add and press spacebar

13. arrow down until you hear the name of the subject line you put in

14. tab to ok press spacebar

15. Down arrow one time to move it to specified folder, press enter

16. Now you will up or down arrow until you hear the name of your folder
spoken(to what ever you named your folder in the inbox).

17. Tab over to Ok and hit enter. You will be taken back to the mail rules

18. tab to section 4

Press the backspace key to remove/delete (New Mail Rule #1) and then type in
the name you want showing in the message rules list.

19. tab to ok press spacebar

20. Tab to Apply Now and hit enter.

21. This step I'm not certain of. You may be able to tab past this and go on to the next step. Another screen here and you should tab to Select all

and press space bar

22. Tab until you see or hear Apply to Folder.... Inbox. Hit enter.

23. You will be given a message that your rules have been applied. Hit

24. Tab to close and press enter

25. You are now in the mail rules page again and you should tab to OK and
hit enter.

you are now finished.

Removing or Modifying Message Rules

if you do the following;

1. alt+t=tools;

2. R=message rules/mail,enter;

3. now, you can arrow down, to see if there is a message rule created,

then? once you highlight the message rule, "BlindAccessHelp" you can tab

over, to modify, press enter. now, you can go through the steps, and see

where you went wrong, or, just advance your way through the create message

filter,/steps, and see if you can't fix the problem.

otherwise? while in the message rules list, once you highlight the

"BAH/message/rule", you could tab to remove, press enter, then, then apply,

and ok, your way out.

then, you could start fresh.

Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Message rules question

Something to keep in mind when it comes to message rules in OE.  Even

though Jaws might read the subject line like a sentence from left to

right, they are actually headings to columns.

For this group, I went into the message rules and in the first section,

you have 12 choices. I chose the 3rd one down. "Where the message body

contains specific words." Then when you have to fill in that field, I

just put,


Then every time a message from this group comes in, it sees that rule

and moves the messages to their proper folder.

Sometimes you have to play with different settings to find the one that

works.  I've been setting up message rules in OE for several years.

After you do it a few times, you get the hang of it.


Hi, Mike. Here are the steps someone on the blind access help group gave
me.  I hope they'll be helpful to you too.


Creating Message Rules in Outlook Express

1. In inbox, hit alt T for tools.

2. Hit R for rules.

3. Hit enter or the letter M for mail. You'll come to the message rules

4. Arrow down to where it says "where the to or CC fieled contains people"
and check it with space bar.

5. Tab once to the "move to specified folder" and check with space bar.

6. Tab twice until you hear rule description. Type in the email address of
the list you're on.

7. Shift-tab once and you'll hear "where the to or CC field contains people
contains people" and press enter.

8. Type in the email address of the list and tab to add. Press space bar or
enter on it.

9. Arrow down to the email address and press enter.

10. Arrow down to where it says "move it to the specified folder specified"
and hit enter.

11. Arrow down to the folder you want and hit enter.

12. Arrow to the folder you want, tab to ok and hit either space bar or

13. Tab to apply and hit space bar.

14. Tab to select all and hit space bar or enter.

15. Tab to apply now button and hit either enter or space bar.

16. Hit enter on ok button.

17. Tab to close and hit space bar or enter.

18. Tab to ok and hit enter or space bar. You're done!

----- Original Message ----- From: kimber
 Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] MESSAGE RULES

hi there. This is a message from awhile ago, and I'm trying to work it out, but somehow I can't seem to get passed putting the name of the message rule. It also doesn't give me the option for new as stated in your message.
Thanks your help would be appreciated.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike & Barbara" <>
 To: <>
 Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 9:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] MESSAGE RULES

 > Hi Josh & Wayne;
> These are for Outlook Express and I don't know if they work for Window's
 > Mail.  When making a message rule and you choose rule 6, subject
> specific words, what you type in rules 9 thru 11 must be exactly as they
 > appear in the emails you receive.  Meaning if there are brackets,
> some letters capitalized and some not, the entry has to be exact as the > email subject line. For example; [JAWS-Users] is exactly the way it > should look when inserting in rules 9 thru 11 if the message rule is for
 > Jaws-Users.
 > Making Message Rules
> This particular instance wil automatically tell Outlook Express to place
 > emails from (what you set up) into your new folder that you made.
> 1 make sure you have a folder in your OE list of folders called(x) the
 > of your folder that you want all your emails to go into.
 > Here we go.
 > 2. While in OE, hit alt T to take you to the Tools menu.
 > 3. press r to take you to message rules
 > 4. press the letter M for Mail.
 > 5. Press Tab one time for New and press enter.
> 6. Arrow down untill you hear where subject line contains specific
 > and
 > Press the spacebar one time
> 7. Now tab once to Actions list. You will see or hear"Move it to the
 > specified folder." Again, press the space bar one time.
> 8. Now tab once until you see or hear Name of the rule. section 3 New
 > rule
 > 9. arrow down to (where the subject line contains specific words)
 > 10. press enter
 > 11. type in exactly what is on the subject line of the email
 > 12. tab to add and press spacebar
> 13. arrow down until you hear the name of the subject line you put in
 > 14. tab to ok press spacebar
> 15. Down arrow one time to move it to specified folder, press enter
> 16. Now you will up or down arrow until you hear the name of your folder
 > spoken(to what ever you named your folder in the inbox).
> 17. Tab over to Ok and hit enter. You will be taken back to the mail
 > page.
 > 18. tab to section 4
> Press the delete key on (New Mail Rule #1) and then type in the name you
 > want showing in the message rules list.
 > 19. tab to ok press spacebar
 > 20. Tab to Apply Now and hit enter.
> 21. This step I'm not certain of. You may be able to tab past this and
> on to the next step. Another screen here and you should tab to Select
 > button
 > and press space bar
> 22. Tab until you see or hear Apply to Folder.... Inbox. Hit enter.
> 23. You will be given a message that your rules have been applied. Hit
 > enter.
 > 24. Tab to close and press enter
> 25. You are now in the mail rules page again and you should tab to OK
 > hit enter.
 >> you are now finished.  Hope this has helped.  Take care.
 > Mike
> ----- Original Message ----- >
 > From: "Josh" <>
 > To: <>
 > Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:23 AM
 > Subject: [JAWS-Users] MESSAGE RULES
 > JAWS Users,
> I use O.E. and I am having trouble setting up a message rule that works
 > the time. I can set one up and it will move the messages that are
> in my inbox but after that they continue to come to my inbox rather than
> folder that has been assigned. I go back into message rules to see about > editing the message rule but it says there is no message rule. I know I
> be directed to the groups page but I cannot access the page as I do not
> my password and when requesting my password I never recieve it. Can
> help me out with either accessing the groups page or setting up the
> rule I am forgetting a step or something because initially it works as
> should. Thanks for any help offered. I use JAWS 10 shoudl you need this
 > information
 > J.P. Smith
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