um well yeah I am still confused, but hey! I
guess if I read it lots of times I just, may get it. lol.----- Original Message 
From: "Mike & Barbara In Arcadia" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 1:39 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] MESSAGE RULES

> HI Kimmie;
> No, you are not sounding " a little thick ."  If you don't ask the 
> questions, you won't get any answers.  For example;  If i am wanting to make 
> a message rule for the Jaws-Users list, I would check the " subject " box in 
> step #6 of the steps and, Jaws-Users information that is in all the subject 
> lines of messages that come to this particular list.  The info you would use 
> for this list is "
> [JAWS-Users] ", read what is between the quotes character by character to 
> get an idea of what I'm suggesting.  This particular info would be entered 
> in step 11 of the steps.
> Now, if you are wanting to use the info in the " from " field, you would 
> check the " from " box in step #6.  Then in step #9 you would arrow down to 
> " Where the the from line contains people " or something like that and press 
> enter.
> Making these rules depends on what criteria you are using, from what field / 
> header in the email.  Making these can be a major pain in the you know where 
> and they can be veryy confusing.  I started seeing Dr. Phil long before I 
> got to message rules but, message rules took my temporary treatment into 
> eternal treatment!  LOL
> I hope this has helped to explain things a little better to some degree and 
> didn't confuse the hell out of you even further.  LOL
> Take care.
> Mike
>  ----- Original Message ----- 
>  From: kimber
>  To:
>  Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2010 4:42 PM
>  Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] MESSAGE RULES
>  hi there.  Sorry to come back again, but I must be a little thick here. 
> What do you mean put the name of the subject line in the email?
>  it's just that not all my emails have proper subject lines in them.  They 
> might have the name of an artist, or something like that. Sorryif I sound a 
> little thick. Kimmie.----- Original Message ----- 
>  From: "Mike & Barbara In Arcadia" <>
>  To: <>
>  Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 3:07 AM
>  Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] MESSAGE RULES
>  > Hi Kimber;
>  >
>  > Below are the steps for making message rules.  Pay close attention to 
> step
>  > #5, about your issue  for a " new " message.
>  >
>  > Making Message Rules
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > Making Folder Rules in OE
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > OE 5-6 Message Rules Setup
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > This particular instance wil automatically tell Outlook Express to place 
> all
>  > emails from (what you set up) into your new folder that you made.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 1 make sure you have a folder in your OE list of folders called(x) the 
> name
>  > of your folder that you want all your emails to go into.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > Here we go.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 2. While in OE 5 / 6, hit alt T to take you to the Tools menu.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 3. press r to take you to message rules
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 4. press the letter M for Mail.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 5. Press Tab one time for New and press enter.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 6. Arrow down untill you hear  where subject line contains specific 
> words
>  > and
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > Press the spacebar one time
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 7. Now tab once to Actions list. You will see or hear"Move it to the
>  > specified folder." Again, press the space bar one time.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 8. Now tab once until you see or hear Name of the rule. section 3 New 
> mail
>  > rule
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 9. arrow down to (where the subject line contains specific words)
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 10. press enter
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 11. type in exactly what is on the subject line of the email
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 12. tab to add and press spacebar
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 13. arrow down until you hear the name of the subject line you put in
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 14. tab to ok press spacebar
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 15. Down arrow one time to move it to specified folder, press enter
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 16. Now you will up or down arrow until you hear the name of your folder
>  > spoken(to what ever you named your folder in the inbox).
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 17. Tab over to Ok and hit enter. You will be taken back to the mail 
> rules
>  > page.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 18. tab to section 4
>  >
>  > Press the backspace key to remove/delete (New Mail Rule #1) and then 
> type in
>  > the name you want showing in the message rules list.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 19. tab to ok press spacebar
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 20. Tab to Apply Now and hit enter.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 21. This step I'm not certain of.  You may be able to tab past this and 
> go
>  > on to the next step.  Another screen here and you should tab to Select 
> all
>  > button
>  >
>  > and press space bar
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 22. Tab until you see or hear Apply to Folder.... Inbox. Hit enter.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 23. You will be given a message that your rules have been applied. Hit
>  > enter.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 24. Tab to close and press enter
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 25. You are now in the mail rules page again and you should tab to OK 
> and
>  > hit enter.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >> you are now finished.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > Removing or Modifying Message Rules
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > if you do the following;
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 1. alt+t=tools;
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 2. R=message rules/mail,enter;
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > 3. now, you can arrow down, to see if there is a message rule created,
>  >
>  > then? once you highlight the message rule, "BlindAccessHelp" you can tab
>  >
>  > over, to modify, press enter. now, you can go through the steps, and see
>  >
>  > where you went wrong, or, just advance your way through the create 
> message
>  >
>  > filter,/steps, and see if you can't fix the problem.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > otherwise? while in the message rules list, once you highlight the
>  >
>  > "BAH/message/rule", you could tab to remove, press enter, then, then 
> apply,
>  >
>  > and ok, your way out.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > then, you could start fresh.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Message rules question
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > Something to keep in mind when it comes to message rules in OE.  Even
>  >
>  > though Jaws might read the subject line like a sentence from left to
>  >
>  > right, they are actually headings to columns.
>  >
>  > For this group, I went into the message rules and in the first section,
>  >
>  > you have 12 choices.  I chose the 3rd one down.  "Where the message body
>  >
>  > contains specific words."  Then when you have to fill in that field, I
>  >
>  > just put,
>  >
>  > <
>  >
>  > Then every time a message from this group comes in, it sees that rule
>  >
>  > and moves the messages to their proper folder.
>  >
>  > Sometimes you have to play with different settings to find the one that
>  >
>  > works.  I've been setting up message rules in OE for several years.
>  >
>  > After you do it a few times, you get the hang of it.
>  >
>  > Jack
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > Hi, Mike.  Here are the steps someone on the blind access help group 
> gave
>  > me.  I hope they'll be helpful to you too.
>  >
>  > Rosemarie
>  >
>  > Creating Message Rules in Outlook Express
>  >
>  > 1. In inbox, hit alt T for tools.
>  >
>  > 2. Hit R for rules.
>  >
>  > 3. Hit enter or the letter M for mail. You'll come to the message rules
>  > page.
>  >
>  > 4. Arrow down to where it says "where the to or CC fieled contains 
> people"
>  > and check it with space bar.
>  >
>  > 5. Tab once to the "move to specified folder" and check with space bar.
>  >
>  > 6. Tab twice until you hear rule description. Type in the email address 
> of
>  > the list you're on.
>  >
>  > 7. Shift-tab once and you'll hear "where the to or CC field contains 
> people
>  > contains people" and press enter.
>  >
>  > 8. Type in the email address of the list and tab to add. Press space bar 
> or
>  > enter on it.
>  >
>  > 9. Arrow down to the email address and press enter.
>  >
>  > 10. Arrow down to where it says "move it to the specified folder 
> specified"
>  > and hit enter.
>  >
>  > 11. Arrow down to the folder you want and hit enter.
>  >
>  > 12. Arrow to the folder you want, tab to ok and hit either space bar or
>  > enter.
>  >
>  > 13. Tab to apply and hit space bar.
>  >
>  > 14. Tab to select all and hit space bar or enter.
>  >
>  > 15. Tab to apply now button and hit either enter or space bar.
>  >
>  > 16. Hit enter on ok button.
>  >
>  > 17. Tab to close and hit space bar or enter.
>  >
>  > 18. Tab to ok and hit enter or space bar. You're done!
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >  ----- Original Message ----- 
>  >  From: kimber
>  >  To:
>  >  Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2010 9:13 PM
>  >  Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] MESSAGE RULES
>  >
>  >
>  >  hi there.  This is a message from awhile ago, and I'm trying to work it
>  > out, but somehow I can't seem to get passed putting the name of the 
> message
>  > rule.  It also doesn't give me the option for new as stated in your 
> message.
>  > Thanks your help would be appreciated.
>  >  ----- Original Message ----- 
>  >  From: "Mike & Barbara" <>
>  >  To: <>
>  >  Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 9:12 AM
>  >  Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] MESSAGE RULES
>  >
>  >
>  >  > Hi Josh & Wayne;
>  >  >
>  >  > These are for Outlook Express and I don't know if they work for 
> Window's
>  >  > Mail.  When making a message rule and you choose rule 6, subject
>  > contains
>  >  > specific words, what you type in rules 9 thru 11 must be exactly as 
> they
>  >  > appear in the emails you receive.  Meaning if there are brackets,
>  > spaces,
>  >  > some letters capitalized and some not, the entry has to be exact as 
> the
>  >  > email subject line.  For example;   [JAWS-Users]  is exactly the way 
> it
>  >  > should look when inserting in rules 9 thru 11 if the message rule is 
> for
>  >  > Jaws-Users.
>  >  > Making Message Rules
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > This particular instance wil automatically tell Outlook Express to 
> place
>  > all
>  >  > emails from (what you set up) into your new folder that you made.
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 1 make sure you have a folder in your OE list of folders called(x) 
> the
>  > name
>  >  > of your folder that you want all your emails to go into.
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > Here we go.
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 2. While in OE, hit alt T to take you to the Tools menu.
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 3. press r to take you to message rules
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 4. press the letter M for Mail.
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 5. Press Tab one time for New and press enter.
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 6. Arrow down untill you hear  where subject line contains specific
>  > words
>  >  > and
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > Press the spacebar one time
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 7. Now tab once to Actions list. You will see or hear"Move it to the
>  >  > specified folder." Again, press the space bar one time.
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 8. Now tab once until you see or hear Name of the rule. section 3 New
>  > mail
>  >  > rule
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 9. arrow down to (where the subject line contains specific words)
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 10. press enter
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 11. type in exactly what is on the subject line of the email
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 12. tab to add and press spacebar
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 13. arrow down until you hear the name of the subject line you put in
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 14. tab to ok press spacebar
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 15. Down arrow one time to move it to specified folder, press enter
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 16. Now you will up or down arrow until you hear the name of your 
> folder
>  >  > spoken(to what ever you named your folder in the inbox).
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 17. Tab over to Ok and hit enter. You will be taken back to the mail
>  > rules
>  >  > page.
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 18. tab to section 4
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > Press the delete key on (New Mail Rule #1) and then type in the name 
> you
>  >  > want showing in the message rules list.
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 19. tab to ok press spacebar
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 20. Tab to Apply Now and hit enter.
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 21. This step I'm not certain of.  You may be able to tab past this 
> and
>  > go
>  >  > on to the next step.  Another screen here and you should tab to 
> Select
>  > all
>  >  > button
>  >  >
>  >  > and press space bar
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 22. Tab until you see or hear Apply to Folder.... Inbox. Hit enter.
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 23. You will be given a message that your rules have been applied. 
> Hit
>  >  > enter.
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 24. Tab to close and press enter
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > 25. You are now in the mail rules page again and you should tab to OK
>  > and
>  >  > hit enter.
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >> you are now finished.  Hope this has helped.  Take care.
>  >  >
>  >  > Mike
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > ----- Original Message ----- 
>  >  >
>  >  > From: "Josh" <>
>  >  > To: <>
>  >  > Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:23 AM
>  >  > Subject: [JAWS-Users] MESSAGE RULES
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > JAWS Users,
>  >  > I use O.E. and I am having trouble setting up a message rule that 
> works
>  > all
>  >  > the time. I can set one up and it will move the messages that are
>  > currently
>  >  > in my inbox but after that they continue to come to my inbox rather 
> than
>  > the
>  >  > folder that has been assigned. I go back into message rules to see 
> about
>  >  > editing the message rule but it says there is no message rule. I know 
> I
>  > will
>  >  > be directed to the groups page but I cannot access the page as I do 
> not
>  > know
>  >  > my password and when requesting my password I never recieve it. Can
>  > someone
>  >  > help me out with either accessing the groups page or setting up the
>  > message
>  >  > rule I am forgetting a step or something because initially it works 
> as
>  > it
>  >  > should. Thanks for any help offered. I use JAWS 10 shoudl you need 
> this
>  >  > information
>  >  > J.P. Smith
>  >  >
>  >  > For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  >
>  >  > For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
>  >  >
>  >
>  >
>  >  For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
>  >
>  > For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
>  >
>  For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:
> For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit:

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