What a scam. Sighted people don't pay to see. So your saying blind have to pay for what is free? Support webvisum the free captcha solver, and slap down all those that scam disabled!

At 07:03 PM 10/22/2012, you wrote:


Zcaptcha service at above URL. Costs 18 cents per captcha reading. All instructions are at the above URL. Only drawback I've found is that it can take up to 15min sometimes for the human being on the other side to send back the captcha image as JAWS readable text. But hey beggars cant be choosers and I'm just glad such a service now exists and I've been able to successfully and easily use it.

You are supposed to add money to your account after you create an account via the web page above. Only way they allow u to add money is via PayPal. So you will have to have a PayPal account.

Good luck

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