Hi Geeks

Some people asked why I am leaving and therefore I took some
time to explain what happened from my view. The kick-out also
raises the question how owns the code of an open-source project
especially when a company like JBoss Group (JBG) makes money
out of it but also controls who can write code to the project. In a
much smaller scale it looks for me like the events around Enhydra.

I left the JBG in September 2002 because I could not make enough
to support my family (I got a baby boy in July) and after he ordered
me to stop any public presentations about JBoss and threatened my
with sanctions. I felt this was an invasion into my private life and refused
to do so.

When Bill Burke asked all developers to tell him what we were working
on and what we are doing next I said that I would like to work on the
EJB Timer Service and then return to JSR-77 implementation. This
triggered some discussion about it where I agreed that the current
is not good and came up with some ideas how to fix it. After Scott Stark
told me that he doesn't want any JSR-77 code in the core and want to use
notifications to handle management I stepped down from the JSR-77
development because I feel that this is not the way it can work and that the
implementation could only be successful when core developers work
together with the JSR-77 developers, which was lacking from the very

On Thursday last week I noticed that I am not on the developer list anymore
and after I asked Bill and Marc what happened I got the confirmation on
that my CVS RW access has be revoked and I was kicked out of the project.
Marc told me that I do not live up to my par on the project (coding wise)
my failure with JSR-77 and that they feel that I have a conflict of
interest. Because
this is technically true, even though that Marc had the same conflict when
he started
JBoss and was employed by Sun, I would not have mind if they would have
me to stop contributing until the conflict is resolved. Also I think that
were failures
in JBoss beforehand like when Marc rewrote JBoss after Rickard's design,
rewrote JAWS etc.

The point that makes me furious is that after my CVS RW access is revoked I
loose any control of my code I contributed. There is not way I can improve
code, which finally leads to the removal of any code I wrote. At the end it
leads to the question if Marc or JBG can take JBoss, kick out all the
and sell it. But I am not a layer and cannot answer the question.

Because I cannot turn back the clock and it seems also not convince Marc to
reinstate me as JBoss developer I have to accept it and go on. After the
'What doesn't kill you makes you only harder' I probably have to face the
difficult task to start at ground zero but you can be sure that I will be
coding on
an open-source application server in the near future. I am already checking
different scenarios.

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year

Andreas Schaefer
"Code or be coded"

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