If you want to make it read only, will JBoss allow you to write the 
remote interface such that it only has getters?    The M-H book suggests 
not even exposing the remote interface for enitity beans.  Certainly it 
would be preferable to have on the getters available to most clients.


> All,
> We often think of using Entity beans to represent rows or entities in 
> a database, but not much else.  Is it a good idea to use an entity 
> bean to represent entries in an LDAP directory?  I was thinking aboutu 
> throwing together a BMP entity bean to do this.  It would always be in 
> a read-only mode on this, and I'd like to be able to take advantage of 
> the caching features that would be available for 'free' within the 
> container.  I currently have a session bean in place that performs 
> look ups and populates serializable data objects to return to the 
> calling clients -- this could be simler if it could just be done via 
> an entity bean.
> -Jason

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