On Thu, Feb 01, 2007 at 04:55:01PM -0500, Andrew Plotkin wrote:
> I think the answer to your question is "yes, everything happens on the 
> server". Except that's confusing, because I'm not talking about a *Jabber* 
> server. Every game requires a Volity game server, which is a Jabber client 
> (bot).

Well, I guess there will be clients holding these servers at the end and
when they disconnect…

I just think there is a space for protocol that makes it possible
without server.

> As everyone has said, cheating is a problem -- both passive cheating 
> (seeing private information) and active (making illegal moves). Having a 
> game server makes the problems go away. And it's much easier to build a 
> uniform system than to say "ok, these games don't need a server, those 
> games need one, and these others don't *need* one but it'll save us a lot 
> of anticheating design..." The fact that tic-tac-toe can be done more 
> simply isn't a compelling argument; tic-tac-toe doesn't draw in many real 
> players.

But it adds a good experience to communication, just as a small game
when there is time (well, I play by messages, sending it in ascii art,
but many people get confused :D)

Please stay calm. There is no use both of us being hysterical.

Michal "vorner" Vaner

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