Jehan wrote:
> Hello,
> I just write to this mailing list after having spoken with the Gajim
> devs. They told me that the development of a plugin for wordpress has
> been proposed for the GSOC this year. And as I have finished today to
> develop one, they adviced me to tell this here. So I subscribed to this
> ml tell it.
> Sorry if some guy wanted to propose such a project in the GSOC.
> My source code should be available this week probably. I just want to
> improve some details first, and I will publish it on the plugin website
> of Wordpress under GPL (GPL 3 probably). For now, it just publishes a
> post to a xmpp node when you publish it on your blog (and I am also
> currently adding the publication to a node for comments).

Cool. Let us know when it's available so we can test it out.

> But the only remaining (but BIG) issue is that... I just discovered that
> no client has a real support for pubsub nodes (at least, nor Gajim or
> Psi, the most advanced Jabber client I think)!!! With Psi, you can
> navigate through the nodes, but the "subscribe" command stays always
> greyed. And Gajim can subscribe only to root nodes... :-/
> Moreover I could see in the xml console of both client that they well
> receive the notification (so my plugin is working), but nothing happens
> in the roster, nor any message appearing. That's why I was on the Gajim
> conference room, to ask for details of their implementation. :-/
> Maybe I will try to add such support on Gajim or Psi?.. Because I am sad
> that my plugin is useless! :p

What versions of Gajim and Psi are you using?

> So see you!
> And sorry again for removing a gsoc project (unless you want to have 2
> same plugins, but the mine will be good, I assure you! :p).

Heh. Well, there's no harm in two implementations, but I agree that it
does make sense not to duplicate efforts unless needed.


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