What is happaening is that when buildConfigureContext is called it is
trying to set the template to CedArFavourites.jsp. My portlet action class
extends JspPortletAction, without the new buildConfigureContext it sets the
template to a vm, with the new method it tries to load a jsp !!

Any ideas.

Thanks very much for your assistance

Jon Hawkins

> What class did you extend in your action class.   The velocity action
> class should look like:
>    protected void buildConfigureContext( VelocityPortlet portlet,
>                                          Context context,
>                                          RunData rundata )
>    {
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 9:13 AM
> Subject: RE: Changing Default Customize page
> I have added <parameter name="provides.customization" value="true"
> hidden="true"/> top my portlet and have put the following in my action
> class
> protected void buildConfigureContext(Portlet portlet, Context context,
> RunData rundata) throws Exception
>       {
>       setTemplate(rundata, "CedArFavourites.vm");
>       }
> When I debug this in eclipse, buildNormalContext gets called but
> buildConfigureContext doesn't !!
> Any further assistance appreciated
>> The action class takes care of that per my first response to your
>> question. If you do not tell Jetspeed that you action class provides
>> it's own customization, it uses the default.
>> The setTemplate method tells the action class to display that
>> customizer vm file, versus the default.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 8:50 AM
>> Subject: RE: Changing Default Customize page
>> Let me get this right...........hopefully.
>> The user hits the customize button in the top right of the portlet and
>> I want my customize page displayed. So how do I tell the portlet that
>> it must use my customize portlet and not the default.
>>>From what you have said I would need to write an action class with a
>> buildConfigureContext method, and myCustomizationPage.vm can just use
>> the default customize action.
>> Apologies if appearing dense !!!
>> Jon Hawkins
>>> That is done in the action class... In the action class, you
>>> implement the buildConfigureContext method, and invoke the
>>> setTemplate method.
>>> Eg.
>>> setTemplate(rundata, "myCustomizationPage.vm");
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 8:32 AM
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: Changing Default
>>> Customize page
>>> Thanks for the quick reply, but how do I tell my portlet to use
>>> myCustomizationPage.vm and not the default ?
>>> Thanks
>>> Jon Hawkins
>>>> Either add a parameter in your portlet definition in the xreg:
>>>>        <parameter name="provides.customization" value="true"
>>>> hidden="true"/>
>>>> or (read this works but haven't tried it) create a
>>>> providesCustomization
>>>> which returns true in your action class.
>>>> We have found an issue however, see
>>>> http://nagoya.apache.org/jira/browse/JS1-520 for more information.
>>>> -Art
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>> Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 8:15 AM
>>>> Subject: Changing Default Customize page
>>>> I want to change the customize page of my portlet from using the
>>>> default cutomize page to my own customize page but still using the
>>>> default customize action. I am using VM.
>>>> Any assistance would be appreciated.
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