On Apr 9, 2006, at 6:43 PM, Bob Hanson wrote:

2) A bug exists and will be left in 10.1 for now that makes

 set picking CENTER
 [user clicks atom #23]

different from

 center (atomno=23)

This has to do with the fact that "set picking CENTER/[user clicks]" isn't rescaling the model to fit the screen the way "center" does.

Is this supposed to be the case for the application as well as the applet? I am currently testing in the application (10.00.60) and find this *not* to be true - Jmol is not rescaling the molecule to fit the window when the "center" command is used. So, before I go further... should I be testing the applet as opposed to the application?



Frieda Reichsman, PhD

Molecules in Motion

Interactive Molecular Structures



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