Robert Hanson wrote the following on 16/07/2010 01:37:
> Arie, question for you: I see the two polyhedra models in the PDF file. 
> But I can't figure out what is going on with the rotation. How is it 
> that it is working just like jmol, sort of, with the axis in the bottom 
> left corner spinning around its center, but how then is the model 
> spinning around a DIFFERENT center?
I guess that this is an Adobe feature
> Also, there's some error in that way those polyhedra are rendering -- 
> faces get lost depending upon the orientation. I wonder if the normals 
> are wrong.
where is the source of the error? Is it the way Adobe reader implements 
the interactive stuff, is it the movie15 package, or is there still a 
problem how Jmol exports idtf (or the idtfconverter)? I haven't seen 
such problems with molecular models.

> This is going to take some work to get right.
Yes for sure; it would be nice if we could verify the intermediate 
steps; so I repeat my question: is there an independant idtf/u3d viewer? 
   Strangely enough I do not find anything on the web.
Astronomy people use VRML to be embedded as 3D objects in pdf-files:
But the latex/movie15 package is recommended for creating 'professional 

> Bob
> On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 7:59 AM, Van der Lee < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Thomas, Bob,
>      >
>      >
>      > I'd love to see a short "how to"!   :)
>      > -Tom
>      >
>     Maybe I can satisfy you both at the same time.
>     Bob's fix worked well (thanks!):
>     <>
>     For those of you who never opened an interactive pdf before some
>     guidelines:
>     1) click on the structure and keep the left button pressed while
>     rotating the structure - as you would do in Jmol
>     2) similarly use the mouse wheel to zoom/dezoom
>     3) right click for more options, including the appearance of a task bar
>     That's all.
>     As far as I know you can only use the Adobe Reader starting from version
>     7 and not pdf readers. However, I prefer the latest version 9, because
>     in at least version 8 there is a dotted frame appearing around the
>     structure as soon as you click the 3D object. In AR9 this frame is
>     absent, but  there is a default 'compass' in the lower left corner but
>     this one can be de-activated in the Reader's options (3D content tab)
>     If your 3D object is really big (ED map, macromolecule maybe) then you
>     need computer power in order to see your object in the reader. My
>     computer has 3Mb ram and a 3.3GHz processor. You may be disappointed if
>     you connect your small notebook (let's say 1.6GHz and 1Mb RAM) to the
>     congress beamer ... Although in the latter case you can decide to set
>     the image frequency to a lower value in the Reader's 3D options and/or
>     to change the optimisation method for small frequency to 'Abandon'. And
>     it is a good idea to preload the pdf in the Reader before doing the
>     actual presentation.
>     How can one create such a pdf? You can find bits and pieces on the Web,
>     including those in the Jmol wiki. In short it is this:
>     1)create your structure in Jmol and write an IDTF file
>       write IDTF "file.idtf"
>     2)convert the idtf file to u3d format with the idtfconverter, see also
>     here: <>
>     3)pdflatex a file like the following minimal example
>     *************************************
>     \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article}
>     \usepackage{hyperref}
>     \usepackage[3D]{movie15}
>     \pagestyle{empty}
>     \begin{document}
>      \begin{center}
>       \includemovie[
>        label=een,
>         autoplay,
>         repeat=1,
>         toolbar=true,
>     3Droo=33.34789768949952,
>     3Dcoo=0.000000257883272070 -0.000000283616543584 -0.000000327838080239,
>     3Dc2c=-0.7544490694999695 -0.5638955235481262 0.33589935302734375,
>     3Droll=-18.778433745507403,
>     3Dbg=.66 1. 0.83,
>     3Dlights=Headlamp,
>     inline=true,
>       ]{0.9\textwidth}{0.9\textwidth}{een.u3d}
>     %  \\
>     %\movieref[3Dcalculate]{een}{Click here!}
>     \end{center}
>     \end{document}
>     *********************************
>     4) decomment in a first run the \movieref line. You will have the
>     possibility to better center the object and by clicking on 'click here!'
>     AR calculates you a new set of coordinates that may replace by copy and
>     paste the old set. The bigger the object the longer AR takes to
>     calculate the set of coordinates. Be patient, this may be long and not
>     feasable on a notebook. By the way, if your initial set of coordinates
>     is totally wrong, then you may not see your object at all after the
>     initial pdflatex runs. You need to zoom or dezoom and/or translate to
>     get the object into your visible frame.
>     5) as soon as you have a nice set of coordinates you may comment again
>     the movieref line and set toolbar to false.
>     This is it: yes it is a bit cumbersome, but it is worthwhile if you want
>     to have your structure/molecules as 3D objects in your pdf presentation.
>     The alternative is of course to open Jmol next to your presentation. The
>     advantage is that you have all the options of Jmol available, which you
>     do not have in AR - the only thing you can do there is
>     rotating/translating/zooming. But if your presentation is only 20 or 30
>     minutes, I prefer to do it without 'break', thus without opening another
>     application. Of course this is a matter of taste.
>     Sorry Tom, it was not that short.
>     best wishes, Arie

A. van der Lee
Institut Européen des Membranes
CNRS - UMR 5635
Université de Montpellier II - Case Courrier 047
Place E. Bataillon

Tel :  33 (0) 4 67 14 91 35
Fax : 33 (0) 4 67 14 91 19

Website X-ray scattering facility ICG/IEM:

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