Angel: you could simply put a link in the Jmol wiki to
where solutions to the Java update 65 problem are given. Once the bug in the Java installer is fixed in a new update, I will remove that yellow block.

Reminder to everyone: the procedure successfully used by Albert Pratt (presumably for unsigned Jmol applets) is documented here:


On 7/29/14 4:14 PM, Albert Pratt wrote:
Recently I needed to install Java 7, version 65 (with Windows 7, Home Premium) and took the opportunity to do a complete uninstall of earlier Java versions (e-mails below) using Fix 1 <>in Protopedia <>, deleting /all/ Oracle and Sun sub-directories in:
C:\ProgramData\ .

Java 7, version 60, had previously worked with the caffeine Jmol model in test page 2 <>, among others sites.

When version 65 was downloaded and installed it didn't work with Jmol. However, following advice, I configured Java (Start>Java>Configure Java>Security>Edit Site List) by including the URLs of relevant Jmol sites (the http:// prefix appears to be essential). I also checked <> that Java was enabled in Chrome36, Firefox31 and IE11.

All three browsers now operate with test page 2 using Java 7, version 65.

On 29 July 2014 10:45, Robert Hanson < <>> wrote:

    I've done that now -- it is on the "Installing Jmol" template.

    On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 10:52 AM, Robert Hanson
    < <>> wrote:

        It would be good if someone would  get this into the Jmol wiki.

        On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 6:55 PM, Eric Martz
        < <>>

            Dear Pshemak,

            Thanks so much -- your suggestion enabled Java 7 update 65
            to work
            with Jmol on my Windows 7 system.

            1. I used Control Panel, Programs, Uninstall to uninstall the
            non-working Java 7 update 65.

            2. Using the free Windows search program Agent Ransack (truly
            excellent, blows away Windows Explorer for finding system
            files), I
            located these:

            C:\Users\Eric Martz\AppData\Roaming\Oracle
            C:\Users\Eric Martz\AppData\LocalLow\Sun

            I deleted all 4 of those directories and all their contents.

            3. I went to <> and downloaded the
            installer for Java 7 update
            65, and installed it. Now Jmol_S works again.


            After uninstalling Java 7 update 65, and installing Java
            7, update
            60, Jmol_S worked. I wondered if then upgrading to 65
            would run
            Jmol_S. It did NOT.

            I have explained two ways to get Jmol to work again here:



            At 7/25/14, you wrote:
            >I had similar problems (I reported them some time ago).
             They were
            >limited to one Windows machine (Win 7, Firefox, Chrome,
            IE) of 3 tried
            >(Win 7 and Win 8).
            >My problem was with the update procedure.  It was
            insufficient to
            >uninstall the old version, I had to delete (after
            uninstalling) all Java
            >directories (hiding under Oracle and even Sun Systems
            names in Users
            >After clean up, it works fine.
            >One curiosity: I have tested multiple Java applets (not
            just Jmol) and
            >only Jmol did not work for me (it never fully loaded to
            get to the
            >permission window, no error messages).
            >Please report back if it work for you too.
            >On 7/25/2014 7:26 PM, Eric Martz wrote:
            > > In Windows 7, my tests indicate that Java 7 update 65
            does not work
            > > with the current Jmol_S, or recent 14.0.17 Jmol_S.
            However, update 60
            > > does work.
            > >
            > > Do others confirm this?
            > >
            > > Previous emails indicate that Java 7 update 65 runs
            Jmol applet in
            > > Windows 8 (Angel H), and that Java 8 runs Jmol applet
            (Henry R, OS
            > > not specified?).
            > >
            > > However, on Windows 7, when I upgraded Java 7 from 60
            to 65 today, I
            > > could not get the current Jmol_S applet to work in IE
            11, Firefox 31,
            > > or Chrome (current).
            > >
            > > I tested Jmol 14.2.3
            > >
            > > and Jmol_S 14.0.17
            > >
            > >
            > > Curiously, a very old old unsigned applet (11.4.RC3)
            worked in
            > > Firefox and Chrome (but not in IE).
            > >
            > >
            > > All the above test sites work fine with Java 7 update
            65 on OS X
            > > (Mavericks) with Safari or Firefox.
            > >
            > > All the above test sites work fine with Java 7 update
            65 on Windows
            > > XP in Firefox 31 or Internet Explorer 8.
            > >
            > > I then uninstalled Java from my Windows 7, downloaded
            and installed
            > > Java 7 update 60
            > > (x86 version).
            > >
            > > Everything worked again.
            > >
            > > Eric
            > >
            > >
            > >

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-- Robert M. Hanson
        Larson-Anderson Professor of Chemistry
        Chair, Department of Chemistry
        St. Olaf College
        Northfield, MN

        If nature does not answer first what we want,
        it is better to take what answer we get.

        -- Josiah Willard Gibbs, Lecture XXX, Monday, February 5, 1900

-- Robert M. Hanson
    Larson-Anderson Professor of Chemistry
    Chair, Department of Chemistry
    St. Olaf College
    Northfield, MN

    If nature does not answer first what we want,
    it is better to take what answer we get.

    -- Josiah Willard Gibbs, Lecture XXX, Monday, February 5, 1900

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