On 08/18/2015 07:06 AM, Robert Hanson wrote:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/jmol/files/Jmol-beta/Jmol%2014.3/Jmol%2014.3.16/
> Now holds the latest test build that I hope will lead to Jmol 14.4.0
> release later this week or next.
> I would it if you would test it if you have a site and have the time to do
> that.
A bug fixed in mid June (thread: "Function call with hash parameter - 
case conversion") seems to be back:

---- Examples --------------------------------------------------
function hashTest(parameterHash) {
    show parameterHash;

function callHashTest1() {
    var firstParam  = "p1_b";
    var secondparam = "p2_b";

    print "  --- Brackets 1a (direct) ------";
    hashTest([firstParam: "p1_a", secondParam: "p2_a"]);
    print "\n  --- Brackets 1b (by variable) ------";
    hashTest([firstParam: firstParam, secondParam: secondParam]);

    print "\n  --- Braces 1a (direct) ------";
    hashTest({"firstParam": "p1_a", "secondParam": "p2_b"});
    print "\n  --- Braces 1b (by variable) ------";
    hashTest({"firstParam": firstParam, "secondParam": secondParam});

function callHashTest2() {
    print "  --- Brackets 2a (direct) ------";
    hashTest([firstParam: "p1_a", secondParam: "p2_a"]);
    print "\n  --- Braces 2a (direct) ------";
    hashTest({"firstParam": "p1_a", "secondParam": "p2_b"});

print "===== Function call from function 1 ======";
print "\n===== Function call from function 2 ======";

print "\n===== Direct function call ======";
firstParam  = "p1_b";
secondparam = "p2_b";
print "  --- Brackets 3a (direct) ------";
hashTest([firstParam: "p1_a", secondParam: "p2_a"]);
print "\n  --- Brackets 3b (by variable) ------";
hashTest([firstParam: firstParam, secondParam: secondParam]);
print "\n  --- Braces 3a (direct) ------";
hashTest({"firstParam": "p1_a", "secondParam": "p2_b"});
print "\n  --- Braces 3b (by variable) ------";
hashTest({"firstParam": firstParam, "secondParam": secondParam});

---- Example Output ---------------------------------------------
===== Function call from function 1 ======
    --- Brackets 1a (direct) ------
parameterHash = { "firstparam":"p1_a","secondparam":"p2_a" }

    --- Brackets 1b (by variable) ------
parameterHash = { "firstparam":"p1_b","secondparam":"p2_b" }

    --- Braces 1a (direct) ------
parameterHash = { "firstParam":"p1_a","secondParam":"p2_b" }

    --- Braces 1b (by variable) ------
parameterHash = { "firstParam":"p1_b","secondParam":"p2_b" }

===== Function call from function 2 ======
    --- Brackets 2a (direct) ------
parameterHash = { "firstParam":"p1_a","secondParam":"p2_a" }

    --- Braces 2a (direct) ------
parameterHash = { "firstParam":"p1_a","secondParam":"p2_b" }

===== Direct function call ======
    --- Brackets 3a (direct) ------
parameterHash = { "firstParam":"p1_a","secondParam":"p2_a" }

    --- Brackets 3b (by variable) ------
parameterHash = { "firstParam":"p1_b","secondParam":"p2_b" }

    --- Braces 3a (direct) ------
parameterHash = { "firstParam":"p1_a","secondParam":"p2_b" }

    --- Braces 3b (by variable) ------
parameterHash = { "firstParam":"p1_b","secondParam":"p2_b" }



Rolf Huehne

Leibniz Institute for Age Research - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI)
Beutenbergstrasse 11
07745 Jena, Germany

Phone:   +49 3641 65 6205
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E-Mail:  rhue...@fli-leibniz.de
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