When I was teen, my music, Joni and Carly, was definately not IN with the rest of the 
teens at school/college. so what? Yes, for while I pretended to be into Black Sabbath 
and Deep Purple or some other male rockband but soon thought'oh stuff you, I like what 
i like'.
Mind you I did hide my love of ABBA!

Music snobbery is soooooo stupid and it still exists amongst the grown ups! Why, if 
you read eveery mail here, you might just come across it here too.....


> hello joni fans,
> I'm listening to John Denver right now.  which makes me wonder: do you have any 
>musical preferences about which you are *slightly* embarrassed?  if you admitted you 
>liked this musician, your friends would laugh?  I grew up listening to Paul Simon, 
>who was *never* popular with my age group, for example.
> NP: John Denver, the Eagle and the Hawk
> don't laugh, I like him!

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