> hello joni fans,
> I'm listening to John Denver right now.  which makes me wonder: do you have any 
musical preferences about which you are *slightly* embarrassed?  if you admitted you

liked this musician, your friends would laugh? 

My guilty pleasures:
Streisand circa the "Funny Girl" era -- how do I communicate to my fellow
12-year-old pals that I totally relate to this rather unique-looking Jewish girl who
shows what can be accomplished through talent, ambition and sheer will?

Karen Carpenter -- I was in high school when The Carpenters were popular, and boy,
did I catch a lot of gas for that one!  Loved her voice;  only wished she could've
rocked a little harder.  (Or should I say, rocked at all?!?)

5th Dimension -- well, what can I say?  At least I discovered Laura Nyro through
them, so not a total waste ...

And these days:
If you look through my CDs, I think you'll find copies of, among others, Paula
Abdul, Babyface, Michael Bolton, Celine, Mandy Patinkin ... and not all of them were
birthday and/or Christmas gifts, either!  Yikes!

Okay, you can stop laughing now ...
Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.

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