Here is the article in case the Yahoo link does not work.  I really think
it's getting time for people to make hard choices.  Kakki

Sunday October 21 1:15 PM ET
Carlos the Jackal: Sept. 11 Victims 'Enemy Soldiers'
CARACAS, Venezuela (Reuters) - Carlos the Jackal, the jailed Venezuelan-born
revolutionary widely seen as a symbol of terrorism, was quoted Sunday as
saying the victims of last month's suicide attacks in the United States were
mostly ``enemy soldiers in uniform and ties.''

In an interview published in the leading Caracas daily El Universal, Carlos
expressed support for what he termed the ''revolutionary, anti-imperialist''
war being waged by Osama bin Laden (news - web sites), the Saudi-born
militant accused by U.S. authorities of ordering the Sept. 11 attacks in New
York and Washington.

``The September 11 air attacks struck the command centers of Yankee
imperialist aggression against the peoples of the world: the military center
at the Pentagon (news - web sites) and the center of financial speculation
in New York,'' said Carlos, whose real name is Illich Ramirez Sanchez.

``The dead are almost all enemy soldiers, in uniform in the Pentagon and
wearing ties in New York,'' he added, referring to the more than 5,000
people believed killed in the attacks that damaged the Pentagon and
demolished the World Trade Center.

Carlos, now 52, graying and portly, is serving a life sentence in Paris' La
Sante prison for the 1975 murder of two French secret service agents. He is
believed responsible for some 80 killings in the name of the Palestinian
struggle and other revolutionary causes during the 1970s and 1980

El Universal did not say when or how it conducted the interview with Carlos,
who recently announced he would marry his French lawyer and also has
relatives in Venezuela.

The aging Venezuelan revolutionary, who was spirited by France out of Sudan
in 1994, is being held in solitary confinement and makes occasional court

Carlos, who called himself ``a revolutionary since I was 14 years old'',
said he did not personally know bin Laden, who is being sheltered by
Afghanistan (news - web sites)'s Taliban rulers.

But he added: ``Sheikh Osama's fight to liberate the three occupied holy
cities of Mecca and Medina (in Saudi Arabia) and Jerusalem is mine also''.

Carlos, who described himself as a Marxist and said he had converted to
Islam, said President Bush (news - web sites) ``had declared a crusade
against the Muslim people of Afghanistan''.

He said the Taliban were Afghanistan's ``legal government'' and hoped they
would resist the U.S. offensive against them.

``The response is Jihad (Hold War),'' he said, adding that ''All those who
stand up against imperialist arrogance are objectively defending world

Carlos, recalling his own violent career in support of the Palestine cause,
said ``the conflict in Palestine is the epicenter of revolutionary war at an
international level''.

The Venezuelan revolutionary is best known for masterminding the 1975
assault on an OPEC (news - web sites) meeting in Vienna, where he and five
others took about 70 people hostage, including 11 oil ministers. The
incident made him the world's most wanted man and a symbol of terrorism.

Carlos was asked how he viewed Venezuela's outspoken, left-leaning President
Hugo Chavez, who two years ago wrote to the guerrilla in his jail cell,
calling him ``Dear compatriot''.

``My political position toward Hugo Chavez has not changed, I feel
solidarity toward our Bolivarian Revolution,'' Carlos said, referring to
Chavez' frequent references to the 19th Latin American independence hero
Simon Bolivar.

In a recent visit to Paris, Chavez said his government had a duty to look
after Carlos' human rights as a Venezuelan. Political opponents accused the
Venezuelan leader of being ambiguous toward the U.S.-led offensive against

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