>>>I would ask first if the professor is a Marxist, and if he is not I would
refer him to this article and then ask him which side he wants to live
Kakki, sometimes wondering which side we will end up under.<<<

I do not see a connection between the two articles but maybe I am missing
something. I don't know whether the professor is a Marxist or not. I do not
equate trying to understand the roots of terrorism with the support of

Along these lines was a report I watched last night on 60 minutes regarding
education in Pakistan. They showed the public schools where students sat
outside on the ground, the strict religious schools where they only memorize
the koran & a private school (a big building where the students learned
English & many wanted to study in the US). What was shocking/eye opening was
the fact that many of these highly educated private school students related
to Osama in some way.

All of this to say that what concerns me the most, in this war against
terrorism, is that it is being reduced to some kind of Batman type of
scenario of good vs evil. It is far more complex than that. And that kind of
good vs. evil rhetoric is off putting to me. I know I am not the only one
that feels that way.

I do believe that in order to "fight" terrorism we need to understand why it
exists. I don't mean trying to understand Osama, but trying to understand
why he appeals to his followers. And why others who do not support his
terrorist acts still relate to him. What are the conditions that have
created this situation. And what are the conditions that could alleviate
this for future generations?

Kate Bennett
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