>>>I want to do more research about the Professor Francisco Gil-White to see
his background and motivations before I get too much into this.<<<

a very good idea...

>>>It's no secret that our educational systems in the U.S. have long been
either dominated or heavily influenced by them. (Marxists)<<<

i have spent most of my life in the public school system, as a student,
parent volunteer, elementary school teacher & grant writer (working closely
with professors of many disciplines)...& what you say about our educational
system is news to me...

>>>However, I am very suspect of people who want to focus their questioning
all on U.S. actions, especially U.S. actions of half a century ago.<<<

I don't understand this reasoning. 50 years doesn't seem like very long to
me as far as history goes...especially if it is applicable to the current

>>>I am doubtful that anyone other than a few experts in U.S. policy in the
middle east, can really present a comprehensive and objective view that
includes ALL factors made by all parties concerned which led to decisions
made years ago, and perhaps out of context to today's situation.<<<

I don't think you can separate the past from the present. A historical
perspective is essential for understanding the factors currently at play & I
do not think that this perspective is limited to a few experts.

>>>I think we absolutely do need to figure how how we have come to this
point, but I don't think we need to only consider our enemies explanations
for it. I agree it is a very complex situation.<<<

I am not sure what explanations you are referring to when you say our
enemies. The only person I think we can say for sure is our enemy is Osama &
his followers, but we have not been discussing his explanations here.

Mike from Barcelona recently posted a comment from someone in the US
military (I can't remember his name or rank) who talked about his role in
protecting US corporate interests as being the primary goal of US foreign
policy when he was part of the military. (sorry I am paraphrasing, I think
this was the gist of his comments...maybe Mike would like to post this

Complex, it is.

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