> Ah, but I think he insulted all 6,000 police officers and firemen in the
> front rows of that crowd when he spewed forth his statements.

Show a transcript of where he did that, Paul.

If he spoke from his Buddhist perspective of embracing the enemy with a divine
love, then that is a Buddhist philosophy that he has long espoused and would
have a lot in common with Jesus who said to Love and Pray for your enemies.  If
that is what Richard Gere said, it was no insult to anyone.

If Gere insulted the police officers and fire fighters, show me the transcript
where he does that.  I have been looking all over the internet and can't find
the text of what Gere said.

I did find Gere talking about people with whom he disagrees, while working on
his latest movie: "We had this amazing meeting with experts in anti terrorism
from the CIA, FBI and Secret Service. They were all Republicans, all politics
totally opposite of mine, but decent guys, nonetheless."

Hardly sounds like he is insulting anyone.

You quote Gere as saying in another context, "If you can see them
[the terrorists] as a relative who's dangerously sick and we have to give
them medicine, and the medicine is love and compassion. There's nothing

That may be agreed with or not, but consistent with Buddhist teachings (and
Christian teachings) and it is what it is, not, repeat, not an insult to
firefighters and police officers.

A reminder: I have had a cousin, a police office, shot to death in the line of
duty.  My former partner is a firefighter and I know the dangers of those
professions.  Gere did not insult them in any way, shape, or form, by what we
know that he said.

Let us please stick to facts.  Gere, a Buddhist, said what is his truth in
love.  You don't agree, you don't agree.  But absent a hard text in which he
insults anyone, your charges are bogus.

(the Rev) Vince

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