
I just went back and read again what Paul posted and it looks like comments
from Gere in an interview after the fact.  I'll see if I can find his exact
remarks somewhere - unless they are being "censored" now in the news.  I
recall he started off with something about people's "energy" right now and
how they should not be channeling it into "revenge" and "retaliation" and
should be channeling it into "compassion", etc. Since he is directing those
remarks to an audience of mostly people who are grieving as a direct result
of Sept. 11th isn't he presuming to know what is in their minds and hearts
and isn't he by extension judging them by indicating that they are full of
"revenge" and not "compassion?"

>Or is it your view that he judged because you >did not agree with him?

Why is it about whether *I* agree with him or not?  This discussion is about
the audience not agreeing with him in a very strong manner.  Maybe some of
them agreed with his sentiments but didn't think it was the right time and
place?  How do we really know?  Maybe what they disagreed with was his
clueless insensitivity of using the occasion to advance his own
religious/political beliefs.  You think they were rude and they thought he
was rude.  It was unfortunate overall that it had to occur at that event.


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