
The great portion of the audience were the firemen and police officers who
have been working at Ground Zero since Sept. 11th, and the families of those
firemen and police officers who were killed.  Mr. Gere right off called
criticized and judged people and our defensive war as "retaliation" and
"revenge."  I'm not saying I don't feel bad for him that he got booed, but
really, what was his point to say this to that audience at this point in
time?  It shows that the event was more about him and his urge to speak his
relgious/political beliefs than just showing support for the grieving (which
was the whole point of the concert benefit).

Would you go up to a family member at a funeral who just lost a son or
daughter in a terrorist attack and start preaching to them about how they
should feel?  Naw.


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