I'm not calling it a "trick" - I was only confused by what Ashara said in
her post. I know the yearly fests are quite an expensive venture to take on.
Maybe I should shut my mouth and get back to transcribing, huh? :)


> From: "Victor Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 22:56:04 -0500
> To: "Mark Domyancich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: "joni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: ANNOUNCING.........JONFEST 2002!!!!!!!!!!!
>> It sounds like a contridiction of terms to me - "nonrefundable $100
>> deposit"? That's what I don't understand.
>> Mark
> A deposit put down towards a purchase is different from a "rental" deposit
> which is only intended to cover possible damage to the rental property in
> question.  Kind of like a "good faith" deposit.  It's not a trick...simply a
> commitment to attending Jonifest 2002 which considering the amount of time,
> effort, and expenses that have been put into it is not that unreasonable to
> expect.    I think it's pretty standard procedure for any kind of planned
> trip or weekend conference, etc...
> Victor
> Victor Johnson
> http://www.cdbaby.com/victorjohnson
> "Velveteen rabbits and moonbeams,
> Come when you lay down your head.
> While you are sleeping, they kiss you and tell you,
> That you are the reason the sun lights the sky."
> Scarlet-V. Johnson

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