I read Mack's post with my jaw open so wide, it just lay there on my desk. 
Can it be possible that people really feel this way? How can it be? How is 
this even POSSIBLE?????????? This post made me so, so sad tonight. I have no 
place in me to comprehend this.

Tonight, with the first snow of the season, I looked out at the beauty of the 
lights on the newly fallen snow. Our family lit the first Hanukah candle this 
night with the intention of bringing light into the darkness of this world. I 
read Mack's post out loud to help my children understand more fully what I 
have tried to help them understand since they were born; that there is no 
room for prejudice, racism, or injustice of any kind. I have taught them to 
speak out against this kind of thing, and to do everything they can to change 
this way of thinking. One Hanukah night......one light........one day at a 
time........we WILL change the world. 


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