Sybil said:
<<My grandmother was a racist, but she was also an unfailingly
polite Southern lady - maybe it's about keeping the dirty laundry
hidden, I don't know.>>

As a fellow Suthener, I think you've hit the nail on the head.
I also intuit, somehow, there's more forgiveness, among those
same "polite" Southerners, for being queer than there is for
being any of the *other* outsider groups, like "colored" or maybe
even "Yankee" - perhaps because most of the "Old South" women of
my mother's age group all knew of someone in their own family
tree who was queer, so there's a sort of "forced" forgiveness.
On the other (and scarier!) hand, that "politeness" that was very
much a part of the Old South seems to be going the way of hoop
skirts and cotillions.
Just my 2 cents.


And Mack -
My thoughts continue to be with you as you face this uncertainty.
Let me know if I can do anything....


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