>  "Old South" women of
> my mother's age group all knew of someone in their own family
> tree who was queer, so there's a sort of "forced" forgiveness.
> On the other (and scarier!) hand, that "politeness" that was very
> much a part of the Old South seems to be going the way of hoop
> skirts and cotillions.

i know this is not related, really, but there is a woman in a prgram
called Family Law, middle aged, who has the most wonderful Southern
accent and manner. I know it is very American of me to say so, but i
could just listen to her for ages. Listening to why and how she killed
her husband was a real treat. she spoke as if she were desciribing an
afternoon tea party.

> Just my 2 cents.
> Cindy
> *********
> And Mack -
> My thoughts continue to be with you as you face this uncertainty.
> Let me know if I can do anything....
> C

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