> From:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date:          Mon, 10 Dec 2001 21:34:11 EST
> Subject:       childhood memories NJC
> To:            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Reply-to:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> which songs evoke the strongest childhood memories for you?  I'm talking very 
> young here.  My sister is expecting a baby soon and it's got me thinking 
> about songs for little kids.  Fred was kind enough to give me advice on CDs.  
> What do you remember from early childhood?

The Everly Brothers "Wake Up Little Suzie"
Ricky Nelson "Hello Mary Lou"
Elvis Presley "Jailhouse Rock", the rockingest song I'd ever heard at 
that point.
"Oh Shennandoah"  don't know the artist, was sung in elementary 
chorus class.


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