I think I've offered my take on "notches liberation doll" once or twice 
before, but I'll offer it again.

I've long suspected the song was written by a furious Joni after the 
infamous publishing by Rolling Stone of the flow chart of her love life.  
Rumors have surfaced over the years of a feud between Joni and Jan Wenner 
resulting from this.  There was talk of Joni having publicly thrown a drink 
at Wenner.  In my own convoluted brain, the association the song draws for 
me is this (all pure speculation):

"Anima rising", the goddess of war.  "Wash my guilt from Eden, wash and 
balance me": I'm pissed. Why should I bear the brunt of your double 
standard, because I'm A WOMAN?!?!?  Eve's always the temptress.  You 
wouldn't dare pull this shit on Jagger or Page!  The room full of glasses is 
the place where the drink throwing took place.  He says, "your notches 
liberation doll" is Wenner's response to Joni's confrontation as if to say 
snidely and derisively, "these are your BELT notches, what's the problem if 
you're so liberated?  "And he pins me with that serpent to that Ethiopian 
wall":  allusion again to Genesis and the garden of Eden, Rolling Stone 
using the concept of original sin to isolate her (creatively and business 
wise). Joni's saying that sexism is the problem, and she'll have none of it.

Anyone else see it this way?


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