> So I got to thinking . . . if Les thinks it's a good idea, and if you all can
> let me know about Joni literary references you've come across, maybe we can
> add a new section to the JMDL devoted to Joni mentions in fiction. I would be
> glad to volunteer to take on the project.

Great idea, Bob. I suggest that it not be limited to Joni mentions in
fiction, but be expanded into more of a "Joni in the World" idea, and
include things like mentions of Joni's phrases in news articles ("paved
paradise", for example, is often used without mention of Joni), and
photos of her influence, such as the windows of Henri Bendel, a
high-priced department store here in NYC, that were decorated a couple
years ago with the theme "we are stardust, we are golden"; the phrase
was written across the windows facing Fifth Avenue (such an unexpected
use of those "hippy" words). Another example were the windows of a
downtown Janovic Plaza, a home decorating chain, that had decorated each
window in a different color; a centerpiece of the blue window was the
Blue album cover. A friend told me about the "Blue" window so I didn't
actually see that one, and didn't take photos of either display, but it
occurred to me in both instances that it would be good to have a place
to keep a record of such Joni-influence in our culture, especially when
she's not directly given credit for it.

What do you think, Bob? Les? Any other ideas?

And, here's wishing everyone a happy new year! I hope and pray that 2002
is a year of growth and happiness for us all.

Debra Shea

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