Bree said:
>> Bob and everyone, has this guy got his facts mixed up?  I can't imagine
Joni lecturing to her fans about paying closer attention to her lyrics.  It
doesn't ring true.<<

Colin replied

>>it is true. Don't know the concert or when but she did tell her audience off
for not listening.<<

mike now says

Perhaps this is what Colin is referring to:

The transcript is taken from Murray Lerner's film "Message to Love - The Isle
of Wight Music Festival, August 26-30 1970.

Joni has just finished doing Woodstock. And a stoned, bearded man walks
onstage and tries to make an announcement. (He claims to have been paid by the
promoter to paint the fence invisible) He is hustled off by security and the
crowd boos, probably a reaction against the security but the booing continues
while Joni plays a long, interrupted intro to 'My Old Man' on the piano. Close
up shots reveal the tension in her face and body. She tries to keep the music
going but is unable to and stops playing. She addresses the crowd.

"Listen a minute, will ya? WILL YA LISTEN A MINUTE! Now listen. A lot of
people who get up and sing . I know it's fun, you know, it's a lot of fun,
it's fun for me, I get my feelings off through my music but listen, you've got
your life wrapped up in it and it's very difficult to come up here and lay
something down when people. it's like, last Sunday I went to a Hopi ceremonial
dance in the desert and there were a lot of people there and there were
tourists and there were tourists who were getting into it like Indians and
Indians who were getting into it like tourists. And I think that you're acting
like tourists, man, give us some respect". (applause). Cut to the rant from
the intruder, cut back to Big Yellow Taxi on guitar. end of story.

mike in bcn

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