Nope1 although what you quote is true too. she did much more recently. I believe
she was doing a gig with Bob Dylan and she was on first and the audience just
yakked all the way thru so she got mad. I would have too.

mike pritchard wrote:

> Bree said:
> >> Bob and everyone, has this guy got his facts mixed up?  I can't imagine
> Joni lecturing to her fans about paying closer attention to her lyrics.  It
> doesn't ring true.<<
> Colin replied
> >>it is true. Don't know the concert or when but she did tell her audience off
> for not listening.<<
> mike now says
> Perhaps this is what Colin is referring to:
> The transcript is taken from Murray Lerner's film "Message to Love - The Isle
> of Wight Music Festival, August 26-30 1970.
> Joni has just finished doing Woodstock. And a stoned, bearded man walks
> onstage and tries to make an announcement. (He claims to have been paid by the
> promoter to paint the fence invisible) He is hustled off by security and the
> crowd boos, probably a reaction against the security but the booing continues
> while Joni plays a long, interrupted intro to 'My Old Man' on the piano. Close
> up shots reveal the tension in her face and body. She tries to keep the music
> going but is unable to and stops playing. She addresses the crowd.
> "Listen a minute, will ya? WILL YA LISTEN A MINUTE! Now listen. A lot of
> people who get up and sing . I know it's fun, you know, it's a lot of fun,
> it's fun for me, I get my feelings off through my music but listen, you've got
> your life wrapped up in it and it's very difficult to come up here and lay
> something down when people. it's like, last Sunday I went to a Hopi ceremonial
> dance in the desert and there were a lot of people there and there were
> tourists and there were tourists who were getting into it like Indians and
> Indians who were getting into it like tourists. And I think that you're acting
> like tourists, man, give us some respect". (applause). Cut to the rant from
> the intruder, cut back to Big Yellow Taxi on guitar. end of story.
> mike in bcn

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