Oh, Brenda.  I didn't know Dianne was on t.v.  Can't get the networks here
so don't get to watch those shows.  Check out Independence Day if you
haven't seen it.  Dianne is great!!!!

> > Does it get any
> > better than Dianne Wiest?  I find the Academy Awards are just a
> > contest, kind of like cheerleader in high school, or which studio spends
> > most money.  Dianne Wiest can act.
> I am a really big Woody Allen fan.  Can't help myself and I don't care who
> sleeps with.  It's only fascinating from the standpoint of his own theory
> true artists creating their own moral universe (one of the themes of
> over Broadway and Sweet and Lowdown).
> Annie Hall is priceless and Manhattan Murder Mystery makes me laugh every
> And Dianne Wiest's performances are the main reason why I love some of
> movies - Radio Days, Bullets ("I never play frumps or virgins!"), Hannah
> Her Sisters and even the dreary September.  (Judy Davis in Deconstructing
> and Husbands and Wives is another one who has served Woody's films well.)
> Dianne actually won well-deserved Academy Awards for her performances in
> and Bullets and was nominated for Parenthood. Love her!
> She's wasted on Law & Order, but at least it's work, I guess.
> Brenda
> n.p. Mos Def - "Umi Says"

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