--- Brenda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am a really big Woody Allen fan.  Can't help
> myself and I don't care who he 
> sleeps with.  It's only fascinating from the
> standpoint of his own theory of 
> true artists creating their own moral universe (one
> of the themes of Bullets 
> over Broadway and Sweet and Lowdown).
> And Dianne Wiest's performances are the main reason
> why I love some of Woody's 
> movies - Radio Days, Bullets ("I never play frumps
> or virgins!"), Hannah and 
> Her Sisters and even the dreary September.  

I've enjoyed a lot of Woody's movies.  His habit of
choosing younger and younger women/girls to be his
lover is distasteful to me.  I don't understand how
anyone could be sexually attracted to that man unless
it's a power thing.  He can be funny as hell, but he
is so neurotic and years of going to a shrink have
done nothing except make him worse, although it has
provided a lot of fodder for his stories.  And let's
face it, he's not exactly sexy-looking so why anyone
would want to go to bed with him is beyond me, but
there's no accounting for taste.

Hannah and her Sisters will always be special for me
because it was during this film that I guess I
actually started going into labour for my daughter. 
Except I didn't realize it was labour pains at the
time, it was more of a twinge.  Anyway, I got to enjoy
the whole film (an afternoon matinee - must have been
skipping off work again, or I think I had already
started mat leave a few days earlier and had probably
been to see the ob/gyn that day.  Got home, had
dinner, watched TV, water broke just after 9 pm, got
to hospital around 10, daughter was born at 2 a.m. 
Maybe I should have called her Hannah, but I didn't
think of it at the time.

Also very much enjoyed the Purple Rose of Cairo. And I
agree - Diane Wiest is special.

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