Kerry wrote:
>>I agree that Fried Green Tomatoes was a great movie and very true to the
book.  It's just a shame that they had to "clean up" the lesbian content.<<
The same thing happened with Spielberg's version of 'The Color Purple'. The
film had some nice scenes but the 'lesbian content' in the book was not so
much 'cleaned up' as avoided altogether. Are there (m)any films featuring
lesbians which were not put in for reasons of titillation? I recall (and
enjoyed very much) 'I've heard the mermaids singing' and 'Antonia's Line' as
two films which treat lesbianism sensitively but are there other (mainstream)
movies which do not treat lesbians as freaks or perverts or a danger to
society? The same thing used to happen to prostitutes in films; they always
had to pay the price in the end for violating Hollywood's (and Pinewood's)
moral codes, meaning being rejected by the hero, getting shot as an innocent
bystander, becoming alcoholic or syphilitic or, in the best of worlds, they
would be able to 'reform' and leave a positive message for the audience, much
in the same way as Cagney turning chicken before going to the electric chair
in order to save the kids from idolising him in (insert film title here, Ed.).
mike in bcn

np  Elvis Costello 'tramp the dirt down'

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