that's an interesting challenge you've set!  If anyone can do it, i bet Mark
E can!

>I'll pick up on Kakki's point though, and ask if anyone can name a movie
>that has COMPLETELY captured the essence of a novel of this length?

I almost said The Color Purple, but i read teh book about six years ago and
can't quite rememebr if the film is true to the book.  It's certainly true
to the *spirit* of the book.

Hell, do movie versions of plays count?  IF so, then i think the movei Titus
is a brilliant adaptation of Shakespeares Titus Andronicus; though the whole
point is how different the movie is while remaining within the confines of
the original script.

I'll add that i loved the movei Delores Claiborne, not just because it
brought together two of my favourite actresses and the wonderful Christopher
Plummer, but because the atmosphere was perfect! Not quite the book, but
still great!

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