Nice post Susan.  Here's my recount on seeing/hearing that DAMN JONI 

It was I believe 1975,the venue was The University of Cincinnati Fieldhouse. 
  My older sister and her then boyfriend had invited me to come 

Our seats were up in the nose-bleed section.. sitting on bleachers and 
before SHE came out I was already a little sauced because the tequila&salt 
was passed up and down our row along with the HERB.  The L.A. Express opened 
up with a few tight jazzy numbers and then the lights dimmed....out SHE 
walked,if you can call it walking, more like a stroll....(chills even now.. 
just as I had those many years ago) SHE opened with HELP ME.  Wearing a 
black pant outfit,tomato red, silky blouse and a gaucho style hat.  I could 
see she was a blond, her hair slightly exposed, but most of it tucked in the 
hat.  MY very first reaction was what an incredibly stunning, beautiful& 
mysterious woman. (THE VOICE:I will just say for the people that have seen 
her live know what I mean when I  write:THE VOICE. There are no adjetives to 
adequately describe;the soaring highs the low-ebb to it.  Recordings DO  NOT 
capture it.......what I heard back in 75.)

She spoke very little other than to complain about her guitar being out of 
tune.... she fiddled quite a bit with her guitar.  Taking a lot of time and 
you could feel her frustration.  (there was a guy sitting to the right of us 
who would scream at her to PLAY something.  I was quite annoyed by him as 
others were.)  When she sat at the piano I can remember being sooooo 
transfixed losing all space and time.  Losing my surroundings..  (it wasn't 
just the herb either) was just she and I.....this was an incredible 

Did I realize at the time the innovator she was/is.. no, nor the master 
musician?  I did realize I needed to explore her more......of course not 
knowing at the time would be a live-long exploration.  (hence,JMDL)

As I remember she did three or four encores and on her last encore she took 
her hat off....*WOW!!.......her beautiful blond locks now free-flowing,silky 
sleeves rolled up....My Analyst told me.....

Soooooooo to sum it up.....I guess you can kind of read into it that I love 
Joni Mitchell.   :-) *WOW:I often think of Mama Cass's facial expression 
when she saw Janis at the Monterey Pop festival back in 68/69,  with her 
mouth agape....WOW!.
(I have a little fund set aside so wherever SHE is in concert in the it bum-blank Egypt or Tidewater,West Virginia (me mothers 
birthplace) I will be's been WAY tooo long.


Mags wrote: close your eyes and remember those angst filled days and
>how Joni became
>the very thing that saved you.
>Mags my friend, this poem/prose was so lovely!  I think for many of us,
>the words you laid out here express the very time and place many of us
>came from and to in our life long union with Joni.  This is well
>written and  it definitely touches the soul of our reason for being
>here .. well surely you touched mine.  Thanks for sharing.
>Julius wrote: she would light candles and incense and read to me from
>Sylvia Plath, Anais Nin or Hermann Hesse.
>Julus this is the woman for me!  I love Wendy - hook me up!  This is
>like fairy tale so sweet a memory.  If anyone recalls the old thread
>about favorite books and authors, mine included all 3 mentioned here!
>My first REAL Joni listen was the summer of 1971.  I had heard a few
>things in pieces here and there and liked what I heard but I wasn't
>listening close enough.  Also, I was often hearing BSN - Judy Collins
>But the summer of 71 as I was turning 14 was the defining moment for
>me.  I was hanging out with a slightly older cousin who was busy
>getting me high for the first few times of my life.  We were listening
>to a radio station that was very into playing the Blue album that
>summer.  Every song was an immediate love for me.  The ones I remember
>them playing were All I Want, California,  Carey ... A Case of you well
>all of them.
>I bought the album within the week and played it down to a hissing
>sound.  Actually I recall my mother going shopping and I giving her the
>instrctions of what album to pick up for me.  I immediately put it on
>the turn table and was never the same - my mother on the other hand
>imediately hated it and her.  To this day when we argue about ANYTHING,
>she still says, I am always trying to shove my opinions down her throat
>and it all started with that damn Joni Mitchell!
>I felt proud to have "discovered" the album and buy it before my cousin
>did.  To know all of the words and have a personal relationship with
>the whole package.  I went out and bought LOTC and Clouds within a
>month or 2 and then STAS.
>By January of 72 I was sitting in the 8th row and watching Joni live.
>Except for a few moments in my life I can't think of anything that was
>such a turning point and defining moment both creatively - soulfully
>than that time in my life. I have looked for other "heroes" but just
>like love it always hits you when you least expect it.
>Every lover I have had has either been indoctrinated by me with Joni -
>or was as big a fan as I. I believe those are reasonable prerequisites
>for being my lover - don't you agree?
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