Dear Fred:

I guess I would not like to tell Joni, Paul, or Gershwin their belief
that learning to read music or write it down fucks with their creativity
is all wrong...that instead they would be enhanced.  :)  You do it
Fred.  LOL

I think I understand what these great persons are saying though.  I can
only imagine that it would be a great bother having to take the time to
write down words and notes as I went along...while having a song raging
in my head.  I may want nothing more than to play it...sing it..feel it.
I guess each person has their own approach...whatever works.  :) 

Love and peace.....Sharon  

> >A QUESTION FOR EVERYONE:Why do some of the GREATS i.e. Joni,Paul
> >McCartney,Errol Garner,Buddy Rich,prefer or choose not to read nor write
> >music?  I understand that maybe in doing so would somehow curtail their
> >creative juices/flow
> That's a myth ... it can only enhance. That's like saying an illiterate
> person who speaks and thinks well would be hampered by learning to read and
> write.
> -Fred

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