Heather asked:

> How do you think the US should commemorate this event?
> How should these attacks be remembered?

Good questions and I'm glad that there is a concerted effort for this.
Personally, my mind is still kind of a blank on it - I feel like it hit our
hearts so deeply that for many maybe perfect clarity is not optimal at this
stage as to the best approach.  I love the idea of the twin beams of light
and wish they could make that part of the permanent memorial.  Las Vegas
runs a hundred times that kind of wattage year round so there shouldn't be
too much concern over the energy costs.  I would love to hear anyone else's
creative ideas here.  Watching the 9/11 film last night again left me with
feelings for which words are inadequate.  A couple weeks ago I met two NY
firemen at happy hour at the hotel across the street who were here in L.A.
on invitation from former Mayor Riordan to participate in the Los Angeles
marathon that weekend.  Myself and all of my friends felt so privileged to
meet them and to be able to tell them in person how much we cared for them.
We ended up hanging out with them and buying them a few rounds of drinks,
telling all our life stories and so on.  It was very sweet but also a bit
surreal.  How our lives have been changed.


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