
Thank you for the story.  I remember you writing to me soon after 9/11 at
how you and your friends in New Zealand were so affected, particularly by
the stories of the firefighters.  When I met the two from NY and thanked
them they both hugged me and got tears in their eyes.  Now you know probably
lots of people have thanked them (especially since these two had
participated in the bike race across the U.S. soon after the tragedy to
raise funds) and it is really something that they are still so immediately
emotional and right there.

I watched the film with my parents last night.  As some of my friends here
know, my father is almost completely senile and incapacitated.  He can no
longer express himself coherently and needs constant care for everything.
As we watched, my mother wondered if he really understood or comprehended
what he was seeing.  I am always hopeful and said that I thought he did
understand.  At the end of the film, they did a tribute, showing photographs
of all the hundreds of firemen who died that day and someone sang every
verse of the most beautiful rendition of "Danny Boy."  At that point, my
father suddenly started singing along, perfectly, every word, every verse,
every note in his beautiful Irish tenor voice.  My mother was stunned and
could not believe what she was hearing.  I just smiled and thought it was
fantastic.  An early St. Patrick's Day blessing, I'd say ;-)


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