> I like some of the things everyone has come up with. It is still too raw
> me to really think about this, but I love hearing everyone's ideas!
> Hugs,
> Ashara

When the thread started I drew a blank.  I had the SAG Awards on the night
the 9/11 program aired.  I didn't think I wanted to see the whole awful
thing replayed again, up close & personal.  It made my heart sink every time
I saw the news footage replayed on TV.  But Travis had the 9/11 program on
in the computer room and I would pop in every now & then.  I found it
difficult to stop watching it once I started.

What occurred to me last night was a park with a very simple monument in the
middle of it.  Two rectangular columns of stone with the same proportions as
the towers and the victims names engraved on the sides.  A plaque could be
placed on the ground or somewhere nearby commemorating the event &
describing what happened for posterity.

Mark E in Seattle

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